
Access to formal banking services is still lacking in many countries. Clients engage Vital Wave to design, implement, and scale digital payment services.

Many global citizens and business owners meet their financial needs through informal systems that are insecure and costly. Digital solutions can help the unbanked weather financial shocks, transform their livelihoods, and lift themselves out of poverty. Transitioning to a “cash-light” economy can also lower the costs of service delivery in areas such as health and education. Yet, to have such impact, digital payment services must scale to a national level.

Vital Wave works with development organizations, governments, mobile operators, financial service providers, and technology companies to foster financial inclusion and economic development through access to mobile money transfers, loans, insurance, and savings programs. The company has frequently guided the implementation of digital payment solutions, including non-technical systems and processes that enable scale.

31% of the world’s adult population remains unbanked.