Capacity Building

Vital Wave provides technical assistance that enables partners to build their capacity, support ecosystem development, and diffuse complex digital solutions and systems beyond the pilot phase.

Development organizations and governments are increasingly using digital solutions to drive transformative social and economic impact. Achieving national or international scale is an elusive, but attainable goal. It requires broad, cross-functional capabilities, industry expertise, and local knowledge and resources, with a focus on technical and non-technical disciplines.

Vital Wave works with development organizations and governments to optimize locally-owned and driven digital implementations, business models, and partnerships. The firm’s “lead from behind” approach seeks to fully empower government actors and ensure they are well positioned from the beginning. This supportive role is highly flexible, adapting to the needs of the government team to ensure bandwidth and skill gaps can be filled in the near-term while working to build capacity over time.

Capacity building within governments is key to addressing the current barriers to sustainably scaling digital solutions.