Improving Data Use in Sub-Saharan Africa

In LMICs, the use of timely, high-quality data has been essential to strengthening health systems and providing efficient health services. Vital Wave was engaged by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in a Data Use Partnership to improve information systems and increase the use of data in health care delivery in Malawi and Ethiopia. In Malawi, Vital Wave supported the Ministry of Health by reviewing all technical systems supporting national HIV/AIDS programs and developed a strategic plan for system integration to reduce data fragmentation. In Ethiopia, Vital Wave supported the Ministry of Health by developing and implementing a new national strategy for transforming healthcare delivery through data use—including plans for an integrated national HIS architecture and governance structure, costing for a DHIS2 national rollout, and two foundational systems to support interoperable information exchange between health system stakeholders. This project was in partnership with PATH who provided similar support in Tanzania.

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