Digital Health: A Call for Government Leadership and Cooperation

Vital Wave worked with the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development Working Group on Digital Health, co-chaired by the Novartis Foundation and Nokia, to develop the report “Digital Health: A Call for Government Leadership and Cooperation between ICT and Health.” The firm worked with partners to convene global digital health experts and policy makers to develop recommendations for the institutionalization of digital health into national health systems. Key themes emerged from the research including critical success factors such as: 1) sustained senior government leadership and committed financing, 2) the need for effective governance mechanisms that engage stakeholders and establish clearly defined roles, and 3) the existence of a national ICT framework that facilitates alignment between the health and ICT sectors to promote connectivity and interoperability, establish common standards, and enable appropriate policies and regulations in digital health. This report was released at the Mobile World Congress in 2017 as a part of the Ministerial Programme.

Broadband Commission Digital Health Final Report 

Broadband Commission Digital Health Executive Summary 

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