Digital Economies In Emerging Markets

In April 2014, Caribou Digital and Vital Wave hosted a one-day symposium on Digital Economies at the EmPac Centre at University of California, San Diego. This symposium convened world-leading experts from the industry and non-profit space in a roundtable to discuss a wide range of issues about the opportunities and barriers to building digital economies in emerging markets. Caribou Digital and Vital Wave authored this white paper to synthesize this discussion and further explore the concept of a Digital Economy with the aim of sharing valuable insights, and spurring discussion and action. The paper discussed the barriers, and presented the benefits and opportunities of a Digital Economy. Chief among the benefits were higher employment, better incomes, and greater entrepreneurship. The paper concluded with guidance and questions for governments, corporations, and local business leaders on how to foster a Digital Economy.

Release date: December 2014
Download report (18 pages)

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